Apprentice and Trainee Induction

Congratulations on completing your first two tasks.  In this section, you will learn more about mteSA and your role and responsibilities as an Apprentice or Trainee.  Scroll down the page to access modules three to eight (3 - 8).  On completion, respond to the questions in the knowledge check and submit your induction checklist.  

Enjoy these first steps in what we trust will be a most rewarding experience with mteSA.


3. mteSA Culture and Engagement

In this module, you will explore the history of how mteSA  has supported Apprentices, Trainees, Labour Hire and Full Time staff since 1997.  You'll learn about our people and culture which combine to create the dynamic organisation supporting you.

Click on the icon to access this module.

4. Our Connected Workplace

Wherever you work around South Australia, and whichever industry you train in, we all play an important role in supporting mteSA to help people gain meaningful employment and training opportunities.  In this module, we will explore how your role contributes to the ongoing success of Host Employers and mteSA.

In this module, you will also become familiar with the following mteSA documents:

  • Code of Conduct
  • Confidentiality Agreement
  • Apprentice and Trainee Employee Handbook
  • Privacy Act

5. Safe Work Practices

Staying safe at work is one of our most important responsibilities, both as employers and employees.  In Australia, your safety at work is governed by a body of legislation known as Work, Health and Safety (WHS).  In this module, we will support you to identify the relevant mteSA policies and identify how you can access current WHS standards and practices.  You will also understand the practical implications for your role in WHS and discover how to seek support if problems arise. 

In this module, you will also become familiar with the following mteSA documents:

  • Drug and Alcohol Testing
  • Apprentice and Trainee Work, Health and Safty Handbook
  • Refusal to Drug Test 
  • Work Cover Details

6. Digital Workspaces

Workplaces around Australia consist of our physical offices as well as the digital spaces in which we work and interact daily. This module will explore how we interact online and use relevant mteSA applications.  We will also explore important privacy legislation and relevant mteSA policies.

mteSA Documents:

  • General Photo Release
  • Social Media Policy

7. Your Diverse Workplace

mteSA is committed to the principles of diversity and inclusion. In this module, we will explore our policies to that protect you and your colleagues, as well as what diversity means, the initiatives we have in place, and improving our own personal self-awareness.

mteSA Documents

  • Racial Discrimination 
  • Sexual Harrassment

8. Your mteSA Journey

Now that you understand your roles and responsibilities with mteSA and your Host Employer, take some time to explore some of ths support options available to you.  Become your best you by accessing the EAP program and discover more about the role of your mteSA Field Officer.  Lastly, answer a few questions about the information you have learned in your induction program.

Induction Checklist (FORM)

  • Questions to Apprentice/Trainee about Induction materials
  • Submission to Administration (Agreements and Permissions)

Induction Checklist and Agreements FORM